0 In HEALTHY LIVING/ nutrition

October is breast health month, eat this for healthier breasts

Female breasts are a glorious wonder that has certainly attracted lots of names from admirers and haters alike from boobs, tuzo, jugs, knockers and more. And yes breasts can be annoying especially while running, be a joy during sex, your pride when beautifully displayed in a wonder bra or embarrassing when you bump into someone without intending to. For any lady with maternal instincts, they provide a longing for a baby who will be satiated by them. Aside from the regular checkups that happen in October’s breast cancer month, most women are guilty for not paying attention to maintaining healthy looking breasts. I have made some nutritional suggestions that you can easily pick the next time you visit the market or pick groceries locally to get you started.


 Broccoli is also a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, niacin, and selenium. It also has cancer fighting immune boosters.

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Sweet potatoes

There are rich in carotenoids that help cell growth, defense and repair making them good in the fight against breast cancer.


Green Tea

A study of 181 healthy Japanese American women at the National Institute of Health’s National Cancer Institute found that those who drank at least one cup of green tea daily had less urinary estrogen — a known carcinogen of the breast . Remember, the best brew for your breasts comes fresh from the pot. Avoid coffee as it can make breasts to be lumpy.



Omega fatty acids found in avocadoes helps to keep the skin around your breasts healthy and elastic. Perfect remedy against droopy breasts if you ask me.



A generous helping of strawberries, cranberries, walnuts and pecans are rich in ellagic  acid. Berries are a super food that helps protect against cancer by suppressing estrogen production and preventing the growth of breast cancer cells.


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